Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Portrait Critique and Basic Editing on photoshop

Today in class we will look at everyone's photos
Fill out the critique form for at least 6 other peoples photos
Use what we have learned so far in class to help you critique a photo. Critiques can be comments about things the photographer is doing well, things they need to improve, or ideas that could improve the creativity of the photo.

If time we can start editing in class
Use the critiques you get in class to help you decide what to edit in photoshop
-look at cropping

Make edits on each of the portrait photos on photoshop, save as a jpeg and post the edited photo's to your blog.

PHOTO 2 Homework Assignment
9 photos total all posted and labeled to your blog
5 photos of the same subject with different exposures. This is called bracketing.
2 photos demonstrating dept of field. One background blurred, one background and foreground in focus
1 photo of motion that is frozen and crisp
1 photo of blurred motion (panning, or long exposure)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Portraits for Photo 1

Good portraits have a well thought out background, pose and purposeful lighting

Come to class wednesday with two portraits, either of yourself or someone else posted on  your blog. 

The two portraits must have different backgrounds, different lighting and unique poses, and you must be ready to explain the choices you made and why you made them. Write your reasoning on your blog post. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Feb 12

 Look at these photographers and talk about Leading lines and Rule of thirds

Ansel Adams
Irving Penn
Maria aparicia puentes
Mathew Turley
-Andrew Zuckerman

Monday, February 9, 2015

Feb 10 Active choice

Look at at least 10 other people's blogs and their photos. Leave a comment on 5 different student's photos.

Answer the questions for these 4 photographs. http://thinkartmakeart.com/choices8.htm
You will only need to write down the answers for 2 of the photos.
Write the answers on a sheet of paper, in order to turn in next time we meet.

*You can work in partners so that each partnership has a computer.

Photo 2: You can also edit photos on photoshop. If you don't know photoshop see what you can figure out on your own. Try to edit the contrast, saturation, cropping, hue, make it black and white, etc

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Feb 6 Active Choices in Photography

Look at 5 random classmates photos from last time

Lesson on ACTIVE Choice in photography.
ACTIVELY CHOOSE what you are putting in your camera frame! Take Notes.

Actively choose where you are standing.

Unique angle
Time to photograph 25min:
Take a photo from Birds eye view,
 1.Worms eye view,
2. Zoomed in,
3.Far away
5. Line
6. Balance
7. Horizontal, 8. vertical, 9. skewed  frame
10 Photo with a Fore, middle and background

Don't forget to try and include the elements and principles we learned with these photos

Print your favorite photo you took in class today in the student center and turn it in to ms. stewart for daily 5 points today. It will be in black and white. Choose one that will look good in black and white.

HW:  for PHOTO 1 Due Thursday feb 12 Using a purposeful vantage point (birds, worms eye view) answer the following prompt in a photo "What do I hope to remember about my high school self one hundred years from now?"
 Worth 10 pts. If it is late the highest you can get is a 7.
This will be graded on if you made active choices, an element or principle we talked about and whether you answered the prompt creatively. This needs to be a photo you take within the next week. No using old photos.
We will have our first critique!

I will be absent on tuesday. You won't need you cameras. I will post on this blog what you will be doing on Tuesday.

Monday, February 2, 2015

FEBRUARY 4 E and P Cont.

Review Elements and Principles from last time.
What elements and principles do you see in these photos?
Photography 43-12
Photography 43-6
Photography 43-1

Take notes on the rest of the Elements and Principles of design.

Learn how to upload you own photos to your blog.

20 min to take photos with each element and principle.
(rules for in class Photo taking include- NO Disturbing other classes, Stay on task(take photos), Stay on school grounds, don't do anything stupid,  Keep camera with you at all time, if you are not using the time to take photos I will not allow you time to take photos. )

You should already have photos from the photography of Rodney Smith posted for line, Shape/form,
color, value, space, texture and balance.

-upload and Post photos you have taken in class today for Proportion, Repetition, Contrast, Variety, Movement, Rhythm, Emphasis, Unity

Bring Cameras For Friday!